The film tells the story of Bai Sheng (played by Deng Chao), a veteran employee of an Internet company, who is forced to be involved in a workplace turmoil.
Bai Sheng (Deng Chao) faces debt troubles and sudden layoff from his tech job, threatening his 8 million in stock options. Determined to reclaim it, he devises a scheme to rejoin the company for 100 days, securing an internal startup opportunity with unexpected support. As he assembles his “Bubble Factory” team, his plan is disrupted by the arrival of supervisor Zhou Wanggao (Zheng Yunlong), leading to an even bigger twist
- Director
- Xunzimo Liu
- Cast
- Chao Deng, Jiajia Deng, Haoyu Yang, Naiwen Li, Entai Yu, Benyu Zhang
- Genre
- Drama
- Rating
- PG (Mild themes and coarse language)
- Release Date
- 21 November 2024
- Runtime
- 136 min