Set in a fictional town of North India, Roohi is a horror-comedy about two small-town boys, Bhaura and Kattanni played by Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma, who come across a girl called Roohi, played by Janhvi Kapoor. Due to strange circumstances both the boys are stuck with Roohi in a forest. Bhaura falls in love with Roohi but the twist in the tale happens when they realize that Roohi has a split personality and her other personality in the same body is called Afza. If Bhaura likes Roohi, then Kattanni starts liking Afza! But Roohi and Afza are the same person.
Set in a fictional town of North India, Roohi is a horror-comedy about two small-town boys, Bhaura and Kattanni played by Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma, who come across a girl called Roohi, played by Janhvi Kapoor.
Due to strange circumstances both the boys are stuck with Roohi in a forest. Bhaura falls in love with Roohi but the twist in the tale happens when they realize that Roohi has a split personality and her other personality in the same body is called Afza. If Bhaura likes Roohi, then Kattanni starts liking Afza! But Roohi and Afza are the same people.
What follows is a madcap journey where the one who is madly in love with Roohi is trying to get rid of Afza and the who is madly in love with Afza, wants to marry her. The boys fight and brawl and try to outdo each other to get the love of their lives. The crazy and entertaining turn of events in this loony town leads to a concoction of madness and absurdity that will be relished by the audiences.
From the world of Stree comes another horror comedy. Iss baar mard ko zyada dard hoga!
- Director
- Hardik Mehta
- Cast
- Rajkummar Rao, Janhvi Kapoor, Varun Sharma
- Genre
- Indian Cinema, Comedy, Horror
- Rating
- M (Supernatural themes and violence)
- Release Date
- 11 March 2021
- Runtime
- 133 min
- Language
- Hindi